Critical Care Fund

We take in as many animals in need as is possible and sometimes we have those that require advanced medical or long-term care that becomes extremely expensive. In the spring of 2024 we put the word out that we could really use an incubator for the foxes and deer fawn that we were taking in. In just a matter of days we had raised the $1400 needed to purchase this important piece of medical equipment. Every dollar donated to our Critical Care Fund goes towards all the animals in need that we take in. Please click on the Donate Now button at the top of the page and choose the option Critical Care Fund when making your donation through our Paypal account and we will apply it towards their care. You can also leave a note in the Paypal screen to mention which animal you’d like to help. 

Alpha Male & Alpha Female on their throne.

In May of 2024 we were contacted by Palmetto Paws Animal Rescue about a situation with 4-5 wolf hybrids that had been turned loose to fend for themselves after becoming too much for their owner to handle. They needed our help and we said yes!  Our amazing volunteer team along with a very generous donor got to work expanding the current wolf enclosure so we could accommodate this new pack.

The new inhabitants of WTFC arrived a little bit ahead of schedule, due to some changes in their situation, but with a really great support system in place the transport and transfer went smoothly.
A very special shout of thanks to Kym Kittle, without whom none of this could have happened. She’s a truly amazing lady with unbelievable passion and kindness.  We are so grateful she entered our lives and foresee a lifetime relationship. 
A huge thank you to All4Paws for your outstanding vetting and care for these beauties. And thank you to all involved!! Everyone of you gave a piece of your life to assist in the rescue of these deserving wolves. They will now have a wonderful life with us and have already formed their pack with our other resident wolf hybrids.
This is but one example of where your donations to our Critical Care Fund goes. We have many stories throughout each season that don’t get the same attention but are as important to us. These emergency cases are not something we can plan for as we never know how extensive the injuries are, what special needs they will have and what the long-term care will be they need. Therefore, having a Critical Care Fund set aside strictly for these unexpected cases is so important to our mission.

“Like us, animals feel love, joy, fear and pain, but they cannot grasp the spoken word. It is our obligation to speak on their behalf ensuring their well-being and lives are respected and protected.”  – Sylvia Dolson

The original painting of Marley by Beth Corbin-Melotte was purchased for $200 by the high bidder, Robin Jones. She opted to donate the painting back to WTFC and Dale & Jeanette Ouellette in memory of Marley since he passed away the night before the auction ended. This is incredibly thoughtful and it will be cherished by Dale & Jeanette.