Learn About Monthly Sponsorship Levels to help Wild Things Freedom Center!
We invite businesses or individuals to become partners with Wild Things Freedom Center in our efforts to provide medical attention, shelter and care for the injured, orphaned and neglected wildlife of our area. Wild Things Freedom Center’s work and programs are growing, as is their presence in the Georgetown and Grand Strand areas. We have over 2700 followers on our Facebook page, which grows daily, and our website continues to evolve as we expand our services and programs.
We are now offering the following Monthly Sponsorship levels so you or your business can become a part of the mission of Wild Things Freedom Center:

Turtle – $10-24 per month. During the height of the baby season we go through 72-86 puppy pads a day for our fawns in our ICU area. These are small things that we use on a daily basis so your $10, $15 or $20 monthly donation can really add up and joined with others greatly helps all these precious animals.

Squirrel – $25-$49 per month. You or your business will be acknowledged on the WTFC Facebook page & will receive a car sticker.

Raccoon – $50-$59 per month. You or your business will be acknowledged on the WTFC Facebook page & will receive a car sticker and coffee mug.

Fox – $60-$69 per month. You or your business will be acknowledged on WTFC Facebook page & will receive a car sticker and Wild Things Freedom Center hat.

Opossum – $70-$79 per month. You or your business will be acknowledged on the WTFC Facebook page & will receive a Wild Things Freedom Center hat and t-shirt.

Horse – $80-$89 per month. You or your business will be acknowledged on WTFC Facebook page & will receive a WTFC hat and t-shirt and have one (1) private tour for 1 person at the Sanctuary.

Wolf – $90-$99 per month. You or your business will be acknowledged on WTFC Facebook page, will receive a WTFC hat and t-shirt & have two (2) private tours for 1 person at the Sanctuary.
Here’s What To Do To Join Our Cause:
To join, please fill out the form below, including your business information if applicable, and select the monthly sponsorship level of your choice. After you click Submit you will be taken to our Paypal page and asked to choose your monthly sponsorship donation level again. Your first months donation should fall within the dollar range that corresponds to the level you have chosen. Please remember to click on the box that asks if you would like to make this a monthly recurring donation. You can stop your recurring donation at any time. Your Paypal receipt is your receipt for your tax deductible donation.
If you would prefer to send a monthly check please do so by making the check payable to: “Wild Things Freedom Center” and mail it to: Mrs. Jeanette Ouellette, 308 Ryan Morant Lane, Georgetown, SC 29440. Remember to note on your check that it is for our Monthly Sponsorship Program.
Monthly Sponsorship Program
In 2019 we received our first permanent residents from another sanctuary that was closing. Our new residents then were Tatiana, a 24 year old mare, Happy, a 10 year old pig, Freddie and Itty Bit, 2 Salcata tortoises and Ghost a Timber wolf. We now have 2 more horses in our care. Willow, a 14 year old former barrel racer that found herself at auction with permanent damage to her tendons and ligaments and Tango, a beautiful 25 year old piebald gelding who is totally deaf. We have many more permanent residents now at our Sanctuary that will need continuing, life-long care. Your commitment to a monthly sponsorship will help us help them live out their best lives with us.
Did you know?
It costs $550 to feed each raccoon until it’s released
It costs $63 each week to feed 1 horse & we have 15 horses
It costs $50 a day to feed our wolves & we have 2 wolves
It costs $10 a day to feed our foxes & we have 4 foxes
It costs $285 to feed each opossum until it’s released
It costs $40 a month to feed each tortoise